About Lomati Mine


Lomati Mine is a gold mine located at Hhelehhele, an area in the northern Hhohho region of the Kingdom of Swaziland.

It is the only gold mine operating in the kingdom, and it was commissioned in January 2015 and launched by His Majesty King Mswati III in February 2016.

It is yet to be officially opened.

The Lomati mineral resources comprise of three deposits which have been categorised as the Wyldsdale, Lomati and Lufafa deposits.

The gold mine is an open pit mining operation using heap leach processing. 

The Lomati metallurgical test work program showed that the crushing, agglomeration and cyanide leach characteristics were environmentally sound and economically viable for our operation.

The mine is managed by an experienced team which includes engineers and mining consultants with several decades of international experience in the industry.

This management team works under the supervision and guidance of a Board of Directors.